1.In what ways does your media product use, Develop or challenge forms and conventions in real Media products?
1Title of my Magazine-
For the Masthead of my Magazine I used the font “Day Poster B”as I found that this font stood out the most as it was big and bold and clear to see and read. I Decided to call my Magazine “Beats” I did this because beats is a musical word and is used a lot when people talk about music, I decided this would be a good word to use as my magazine title as it would make it clear to the audience that my magazine is in the music genre. I used the colour grey for my Masthead as this is one of the colours that the subject in my main image is wearing and I found that this colour went well with the bright yellow background of the front cover of my magazine which contributed to make it stand out. I Decided to make my Masthead stand out even more by making it look 3D I did this by writing beats twice and making the one on top a darker grey than the one underneath , I thought this made the title look more professional and unique
My Masthead is slightly to that of smash hits as both are mounted to make it stand out more although my Masthead is quite unique as not many other magazines have made their Mastheads 3D most have emulated smash hits magazines idea and mounted their masthead to add a border.
2The Mis-en-Scene of images
I think the Mis-en –Scene of my images follows the regular codes and conventions of magazines. This is because I changed the settings in all of my images to add variety The settings I used were a bright yellow background, a room featuring a piano and a room with a keyboard painted on the wall, all of these backgrounds link to pop music and help make the genre of my magazine clear. I tried to keep all of the backgrounds in my images clear as I wanted the subject of my images to be the main focal point without anything taking the attention away. To keep it simple I also tried to stick to only a few colours in each background. On my cover to make it unique I placed an almost transparent image of the model featured on the cover, this gave my magazine its own unique style.
3Costumes and Props
For my images that I have used to feature in my magazine I didn’t ask my model to wear any special clothing or costumes as I wanted to keep my magazine as casual as possible. For my images I used a few props this was to try and make my magazine link more to music, the props I used were a set of bright pink headphones, a piano and also a wall which had a keyboard painted onto it. I used the Pink headphones for my front cover this is because the front cover is bright yellow and this colour went well with the shade of pink that the headphones were. We decided to use a piano as pianos link well to pop music as pop musicians tend to use pianos fairly often. Again I was attempting continuity between the colours and house style.
On my magazine images that I have used to feature in my magazine, I decided to use one model as I wanted to keep my magazine simple. I chose this model because she looks as though she is a pop musician with the clothes that she is wearing and the poses that she did. Another reason I used this model is because she is around the same age as my target audience so using her to feature on my magazine might help to gain more attention from potential buyers of my magazine. Also using someone around the same age as the target audience may help them to relate to my magazine and may capture their attention.
5Title Font and Style
On the cover of my magazine I used more than one font this is because I wanted it to be suitable for teenagers and I wanted it to have its own unique style. The fonts I have used throughout my magazine are consistent, For the main titles for each page I used the font ‘Day Poster B’ because this font was bold and clear to see and read, For the sell lines and all other pieces of writing that features in my magazine I used the font ‘Forque’ as it is clear and looks fun to look at which will suit my target audience. The colours I used for my main titles is grey. This is the darkest colour I have used on my magazine which is why I used it for my main titles as it stands out more. For my sell lines and other pieces of writing I used pink and a little bit of white because these colours work well together and also look eye catching when placed on the page next to each other. The main piece of writing for my double page spread is purple as this is the colour that fits with the colours in the image for my double page spread.
6Written Content
The written content of my magazine follows the codes and conventions of a normal music magazine as it asks Katie about her personal life , her tours and albums and also what’s happening next in her career. All the questions cover topics that would be discussed in real music magazines when interviewing a pop musician. The questions I asked were frequently asked questions in a real magazine, this may help to get the attention from the target audience. My research suggested that certain questions were asked of the performer.
7Music Genre and how your magazine suggests it
The Genre of my magazine is pop. I have made this genre clear throughout my magazine because of the props and backgrounds that I used in my images. For example I used pink headphones that suggest links with pop, and a piano these props are heavily linked with pop music which help my genre become more clear. I have also featured a pop singer throughout my magazine and included sell lines to do with pop. The colours used on my magazine can also be linked to pop as I have used Grey, Pink, Yellow and White I decided to use these as most of the pop magazines I researched included these colours. These bright colours are usually associated with pop as apposed to darker colours which may be associated with heavy rock.
The Layout of my magazine follows the conventions of a normal music magazine. On the double page spread I have arranged the interview with the pop singer in columns and the image fills the second page this is how all of the double page spreads that I researched were arranged. My front cover also follows convention as I have a main image which fills the page, my masthead that that I placed at the top of the page and sell lines that fit around the image. Although I have made my front cover slightly unique by adding a second image, this image has been placed on top of my main image but I have made it almost transparent so that 2 images can be seen but only if you look closely.
9Contents Page
My contents page also follows conventions as I have an image of the subject who was also on my cover, on the right of the page, and all of the stories that I am including inside my magazine is arranged in clear neat columns so they are easy to find. The image of Katie follows conventions as she is looking out to the audience while posed at a piano. I have also included the page numbers. The title of my page is at the top in bold, for consistency I have used the same font as I used for my masthead on my front cover. I have used the same colours that I used on my front cover to also keep consistency throughout my magazine. Also I decided to add a competition on this page to keep the attention of my target audience.
This image I have used of Katie represents young teenage girls as she is posed with headphones which suggest she is listening to music, this represents teenagers as they spend a lot of time listening to music and a lot of young people wear these types of headphones. It is clear that my magazine is aimed at teenage girls as I have decided to use someone who is a teenage girl as my main subject which will help my magazine relate to my target audience, the colours I have used also suggest that this magazine is for girls of a certain age. The competition at the bottom right of my page is also suggest that my magazine is aimed at teenage girls as most young girls like the artist mentioned so the competition may attract more people. The subject I have used is smiling while looking out to the camera this may also attract young teenage girls as she looks fashionable and friendly and someone who my target audience can relate to and idolise. The other images used throughout my magazine represent teenage girls in the same way.
3: What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product and Why?
I think IPC Media would be best to distribute my Media product, This is because it is a well known distributer and it already distributes big well known magazines. If IPC Media did distribute my media product it would help it to become more known because of its status already
4:Who Would Be The Audience For Your Media Product
The target Audience for my magazine is teenage girls who are around the age of 13-19 I chose for this to be my target audience because during my research I found that girls are more likely to read magazines than boys especially teenagers as they are at an age where they like to read gossip and idolise celebrities.
Typically my target audience will still be in full time education and Music will be a big part of their life whether they are on their way to school, doing homework or spending time to their selves . This is why I made my music magazine a pop magazine as more people are likely to listen to pop than most other genres, I found this out in my research.
5:How Did You Attract/Address Your Audience
I have tried to attract my audience by using feminine colours throughout my magazine and using bright colours which stand out well and make my magazine eye catching. The fonts I used may also attract the audience as these are also feminine.

This is my double page spread.
The images I used attract and address the audience as they are all consistent as I have used the same person in each. The person in my images is the same sort of age as my target audience and she looks like a fashionable and friendly person. In all of my images I asked Katie to look at the camera and smile as I wanted my magazine to have a warm and friendly atmosphere to it, getting Katie to look out to the camera helps to address the audience as she is making eye contact with the reader and making them feel involved.
I used Blogger to upload all of my work onto which helps to keep it all together and show the process of the research and making of my magazine.
I used In Design to create my Double page spread I found it hard to use this software as I have never used it before, but once I got used to it, it helped me to create a good and effective double page spread.
I used Pic Monkey to edit the images that I took for my music magazine as this is the software that I found easiest to use.
I used Photoshop to do some of my editing although I found this hard to use as it was my first time of using this software.
7: Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task (The School Magazine Task), What Do You Feel You Have Learnt In The Progression From It To Full Product
Since creating my college magazine I have gained more knowledge for using the different software’s. For Example I have learned how to edit my magazine effectively without over editing them. Also I have gained more knowledge about using blogger which has given me confidence to add more posts to my account. I have also learned how to make my magazine fit with regular conventions and also learned how to use new software’s such as InDesign and Photoshop although I am still not completely familiar with Photoshop. Looking at both of my magazines that I have created my music magazine looks a lot more professional as I didn’t really know how to use the software’s while creating my college magazine. My music magazine is much more professional; from the image to the overall layout, and from the use of consistent fonts and colours to small details such as bar code and competitions.