Friday, 16 November 2012

Questionnaire and Evaluation

                                           Music Magazine Questionnaire

1.    What type of things do you like to see in a music magazine?

2.    What would attract you to a music magazine?

3.    What colours would work well on a music magazine?

4.    What genre of music do you like?

5.    How often do you buy music magazines?

6.    What do you find most interesting in magazines?

7.    How much would you pay for a music magazine? £ 
8.    What would put you off buying a magazine?

                                                     Questionnaire Evaluation.
I have conducted a Questionnaire to find out what people think about music magazines and what sorts of things the would like so see. I handed out my questionnaire to 5 different people to make sure i had some good and constructive feedback.
From my questionnaires i found that people like to see interviews and gossip in a music magazine, as the people i asked to do the questionnaire was the similar age to the people i would like my magazine to appeal to, i will make sure i include interviews and gossip. From my questionnaire i also found that images and bold writing is what attracts people to look at magazines and the colours people suggested i use were red and black.
The genre i will use for my magazine will be pop/R&B as the majority of people who completed my questionnaire said that this is the style of music that they like to listen to.
I also asked people what things would put people off from buying a magazine , the feedback i got was high pricing and colours that dont go well together.
From my questionnaire i found that an appropriate price that people would pay for a magazine is £2 - £2.50

                            Explanation of how the results will affect my construction
My magazine genre will be pop/r&b as this is what the majority of people who completed my magazine said they like to listen to best.The image I will use on my front cover will be something that represents this drama or style as I want my magazine to link nicely together and adding an image to fit the genre will do this.
         In my magazine I will try to include quite a few images as this is what people said will attract them to a magazine I will also make sure my mast head is big and bold as this is also what people said will attract them.
  The colours I will try to include in my magazine will be red and black with maybe one other colour as from my questionnaire most people said that these colours would work well together and also go well on a music magazine, these colours also appeal to both genders, I will have to be careful of what other colour I will include as the feedback from my questionnaire said that if i included colours that didnt go well together would put them off buying a music magazine.
  The price I will feature on the front of my magazine will be £2-50 as people who took part in my questionnaire said that this was a reasonable price that they would be willing to pay.

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