Friday 12 October 2012

My College Magazine Evaluation and mock ups

Who would the audience be for your media product?
This is my front cover of my college magazine, the audience of the magazine is college students or people who may want to attend college this is why i included a picture of bramcote college itself as people who are looking to find a college can see what this particular one looks like and see what type of people go there.

                          How does your media product represent particular social groups?
My media product represents the social group that it is tageted at as on my front cover i have a picture of the college and two students who attend college, the college and the students are there to represent all students who attend the college as they both look happy to be there and ready to learn which may make people happy about choosing to go to bramcote college.

                                            How did you attract/address your audience?
To attract the target audience i used a big bold red masthead this is because the main colour for bramcote college is red and the bold makes it stand out more and makes it visible for people to spot, i also made the image a lot brighter than it was so it creates a happy mood and makes the students seem brighter. the students also may attract the audience as they are both looking out towards the camera and looks like they are sharing eye contact with the audience which may make them feel part of the college already. In the bottom corner i have the word FREE printed in big bold white writing this is because if people know the magazine is free it may make them want to pick it up and read it as they dont have to spend anything to get it, the sell lines on the cover are all topics that teenagers may like or want to read about which also may attract the audience and make them want to read more of the magazine. 

 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
My magazine will be published by IPC Media as it is the worlds leading magazine publishers and will be free to pick up in the college itself and also in local libraries and shops as teenagers go to shops alot so will be likely to see it there and also libraries could have the magazines on show to encourage young people to look at it and read about bramcote college and the things it has to offer.

What have you leant about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
In the process of making this college magazine i have learn how to make and edit my own cover of a college magazine, i learned how to edit the picture to uplift the mood and also play around with the font styles and colours to suit the audience of my magazine.

                                   Mock of front cover

Mock of Contents page

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